For decades, the Republican Party prided itself on being the party of limited government, personal responsibility, and economic growth. But let’s be honest—today, it has been hijacked by a movement that is anything but conservative.
Come on, let’s be real- MAGA isn’t about conservative principles. It’s about power, resentment, and blind loyalty to one man. It has abandoned fiscal responsibility for performative outrage, replaced free-market capitalism with cronyism, and traded American exceptionalism for an isolationist, grievance-driven fantasy.
It’s time to break the MAGA monopoly and rebuild the GOP on real conservative values.
Enter Bull Moose 2.0-a movement that believes in what conservatism once stood for:
✅ Pro-business – Not corporate handouts and protectionism.
✅ Pro-governance – Not performative culture war nonsense.
✅ Pro-democracy – Not authoritarian strongman politics.
How MAGA Hijacked Conservatism:
It’s Not About Small Government Anymore-
MAGA Republicans talk about freedom while pushing for government control over what Americans can read, who they can marry, and how businesses operate.
They ban books while calling themselves the party of liberty.
They push government restrictions on businesses while claiming to support free markets.
They want government to dictate morality- and call others “radical.”
This isn’t conservatism. This is authoritarian populism wrapped in a cheap made in China American flag.
From Fiscal Responsibility to Fiscal Circus-
The Republican Party used to stand for balanced budgets and smart economic policy. MAGA, on the other hand?
Exploding deficits with reckless spending.
Tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy with no accountability or economic growth plan.
No long-term strategy—just performative stunts designed to stoke outrage, not solve problems.
This isn’t conservatism. It’s reckless mismanagement.
The Death of Law and Order-
Conservatives used to respect the rule of law. MAGA?
Defends insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol.
Undermines law enforcement- attacking the FBI, the DOJ, and anyone who dares to investigate their leaders.
Believes in “law and order” only when it benefits them.
You can’t call yourself the party of law and order if you only support laws when they protect you.
Conservatism Was About Strength- Not Victimhood, how ironic? Who ranted about snowflakes?
Reagan, Eisenhower, and Teddy Roosevelt promoted self-reliance, optimism, and hard work. MAGA?
Thrives on grievance politics, convincing people they are helpless victims of a changing world.
Pushes conspiracies and blame games instead of policy solutions.
Preaches American strength but acts like we’re constantly under siege.
True conservatism is about leading, not whining.
Why Bull Moose 2.0 & Roosevelt Republicans are the Future
✅ Pro-Business, Not Crony Capitalism
We believe in a strong economy, innovation, and competition.
No sweetheart deals, bailouts for billionaires, or government picking economic winners and losers.
Free markets should be open, competitive, and fair.
The GOP should champion small businesses and entrepreneurs, not corporate monopolies and handouts.
✅ Pro-Governance, Not Government Overreach
Government should be efficient and accountable—not a tool for culture wars and personal vendettas.
It should protect individual freedoms, not push authoritarian social policies.
Real leadership solves problems- it doesn’t just scream on cable news.
✅ Pro-Democracy, Not Authoritarianism
Free and fair elections matter. Full stop.
We don’t excuse dictators, we don’t suppress voters, and we don’t pretend democracy is optional.
If you only respect democracy when you win, then you don’t respect democracy at all.
It’s Time to Call MAGA What It Is: A Grift.
Let’s be blunt: MAGA isn’t a movement- it’s a business model.
It sells rage instead of results.
It demands loyalty over leadership.
It takes your money, your principles, and your party- and gives you nothing in return.
The Roosevelt Republicans are here to take the GOP back. Join the charge!